关于「 Confirm」的内容列表

1Confirmation of Acquisition of PTC Crypto

On March 11, 1confirmation announced the official acquisition of PTC Crypto, and Brett Shear will join 1confirmation as a general partner. Shear was previously the founder of PTC Crypto, and this merger with 1confirmation is expected to further strengthen the team's layout in the Web3 and crypto application fields. 1Confirmation was founded by Nick Tomaino, who has invested in and supported well-known projects such as Coinbase, Polymarket, Opensea, dYdX, SuperRare, etc. Tomaino said that the cry...

2025-03-11 03:15:28
1confirmation宣布收购PTC Crypto

3月11日消息,1confirmation宣布正式收购PTC Crypto,Brett Shear将加入1confirmation并担任普通合伙人(General Partner)。Shear此前是PTC Crypto的创始人,此次并入1confirmation,预计将进一步增强团队在Web3和加密应用领域的布局。 1confirmation由Nick Tomaino创立,早期投资并支持了Coinbase、Polymarket、Opensea、dYdX、SuperRare等知名项目。Tomaino表示,过去15年加密行业专注于资金和基础...

2025-03-11 03:15:28
1Confirmation Founder: Will Continue to Double Bet on ETH

Nick Tomaino, founder of 1Confirmation, wrote in a post on X, "The biggest question for any investor about ETH is: is it more like BTC, or more like XRP, ADA, SOL, and other counterfeit products? BTC extremists see ETH as just another counterfeit products, while counterfeit products proponents see ETH as closer to them, but with worse technology. 1Confirmation will continue to double down on ETH as there are only two trusted neutral producers in the world with sufficiently dispersed ownership.

2025-03-05 18:02:52

1confirmation 的创始人 Nick Tomaino 于 X 发文表示,“对于任何投资者来说,关于 ETH 的最大问题是:它更像 BTC,还是更像 XRP、ADA、SOL 及其他山寨币?BTC 极端主义者认为 ETH 只是另一种山寨币,而山寨币支持者则认为 ETH 更接近它们,但技术更差。 1confirmation 将继续加倍押注 ETH,因为世界上仅有的两个可信中立且所有权足够分散的生...

2025-03-05 18:02:52

3月1日消息,1confirmation创始人Nick Tomaino在X平台发文称,在过去十年中,加密团队筹集了大量风险投资,随后进行了大规模代币锁定、小额浮动和大力营销,以操纵价格和FDV并吸引散户。毫无疑问,还有其他内幕游戏,比如付费做市商创造流动性或只是故意进行代币...

2025-03-01 13:45:06
1Confirmation invested $3 million in MeebCo, the company behind Meebits, and revealed that the NFT project is considering issuing coins in the future

MeebCo, the company behind the NFT project Meebits, announced the completion of a new round of financing of $3 million, and 1confirmation participated in the investment. The specific valuation information has not been disclosed yet. According to the information disclosed in the relevant announcement, the NFT project Meebits has not issued tokens at this stage, and there will be potential coin issuance in the future. 1confirmation added that although the project does not have a clear product dire...

2025-02-26 04:06:42


2025-02-26 04:06:42
The U.S. Marshals Service cannot confirm how many bitcoins it holds, or affect the U.S. crypto reserve program

According to people familiar with the matter, the US Marshals Service (USMS) is unable to confirm the amount of bitcoin it currently holds, or even give a rough estimate. This management flaw could affect the US government's plan to build a crypto reserve, proposed by White House crypto director David Sacks, which could change the way the government handles seized crypto assets and could even involve the purchase of cryptocurrencies. At present, the USMS still relies on Excel records and manual ...

2025-02-21 19:27:59
Slow Mist Cosine: Bybit's security incident is in line with the characteristics of North Korean hackers, and there is no conclusive evidence yet

Slow Mist Cosine published an analysis on the X platform saying that although there is no conclusive evidence yet, the security incident of Bybit is in line with the characteristics of the North Korean hacker gang from the perspective of the attacker's intrusion method against Safe multi-signature and the current way of money laundering. Cosine cited the previous case of Radiant Capital being hacked by North Korea.

2025-02-21 16:17:52
ZachXBT: Confirmed that the outflow of Bybit funds was a security incident

ZachXBT posted on its personal Telegram channel, My sources confirm it's a security incident. In addition, ZachXBT reminded the relevant personnel of major exchanges: It is recommended to block the following EVM addresses. 0x47666fab8bd0ac7003bce3f5c3585383f09486e2 0xa4b2fd68593b6f34e51cb9edb66e71c1b4ab449e 0x36ed3c0213565530c35115d93a80f9c04d94e4cb 0x1542368a03ad1f03d96D51B414f4738961Cf4443 Previously, it was reported that on-chain detective ZachXBT was released on personal Telegram.

2025-02-21 15:41:39
The SEC confirms receipt of the spot Litecoin ETF application submitted by CoinShares

According to market news, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has officially confirmed its acceptance of the spot Litecoin ETF (LITE) application submitted by CoinShares.

2025-02-19 15:31:55
The US Senate has confirmed Howard Lutnick as Secretary of Commerce.

The US Senate has confirmed Howard Lutnick as Secretary of Commerce.

2025-02-18 23:47:03
The SEC has confirmed receipt of an application for the Bitwise Spot XRP ETF

According to Cointelegraph, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has confirmed receipt of an application for the Bitwise Spot XRP ETF.

2025-02-18 18:28:19
Musk confirms that xAI will establish an AI game studio

According to social media platform X, xAI founder Musk confirmed that the company will establish an artificial intelligence game studio to focus on game development. The news was originally posted by X user Dima Zeniuk (@DimaZeniuk), and was later confirmed by Musk himself.

2025-02-17 07:42:27
Lawyers confirm that the United States has dropped all charges against former BTC-e operator Alexander Vinnik

Arkady Bukh, a lawyer for former BTC-e operator Alexander Vinnik, confirmed that the US had dropped the case against him after his release last week, and that the Northern District Court of California had confirmed that all charges against him would be dropped. "The judge granted our request and the case has been dropped," Mr. Bukh said. "We managed to reach an agreement with the prosecutor's office. At the hearing, the prosecutor's office agreed to drop the charges. Our client now has a clean r...

2025-02-17 04:52:43

7x24 快讯

06:56 2025-03-15
10x Research:比特币或再次进入8个月震荡期,市场缺乏“逢低买入”动能
10x Research 研究主管 Markus Thielen 表示,比特币可能会重演 2024 年的走势,在创下历史新高后进入长时间的震荡整理阶段。他指出,目前比特币的技术图形呈现出“高位紧旗形”形态,通常被认为是看涨延续模式,但当前结构显示出一定的疲软迹象,表明市场处于不确...
06:26 2025-03-15
YZi Labs负责人:资金正从Meme回流至山寨币,Meme币没有基本面故无法维持
3月15日消息,YZiLabs(原Binance Labs)负责人EllaZhang在接受BeInCrypto采访时表示,虽然社区驱动的叙事为投资者提供了更公平的切入点,但由于基本面疲软,他们随着时间的推移失去了动力。EllaZh...
06:14 2025-03-15
3月15日消息,据 Crypto.news 报道,前以太坊基金会工程师 Hari 表示,以太坊和 EVM 缺乏清晰、有凝聚力的愿景,导致 EVM 无法取得进展。其认为以太坊需要更果断的领导,如果没有这种改进,唯一可行的道路就是“僵化 。此外,以以太坊需要减少对研究的关注,更多地关注交付。在这种时候,以太坊应该反思过去五年中出了什么问题,并努力解决它。...
06:02 2025-03-15
Lockbit 勒索软件开发人员 Rostislav Panev 已被引渡至美国
据 Bitcoin.com 报道,Lockbit 勒索软件开发人员 Rostislav Panev 已被引渡到美国,目前已被拘留并在等候审判,根据美国司法部的指控显示,他自 2022 年以来一直担任该软件程序员并接受了价值约 23 万美元的加密货币转账,随着服务器被查封和关联方认罪,Lockbit 或将遭到进一步打击,但目前该组织领头人 Dmitry Khoroshev 等关键人物仍然逍遥法外。 据悉,俄罗斯公民 Ruslan Magomedovich Astami...
05:56 2025-03-15
05:41 2025-03-15
05:41 2025-03-15
亿万富豪Marc Lasry:特朗普政策不确定性冲击之下 ,经济可能无法幸免地陷入衰退
Avenue Capital Group联合创始人、亿万富豪Marc Lasry表示,唐纳德·特朗普政策的不确定性,尤其是关税政策,阻碍了想利用市场机会的投资者。“当市场不知道该做什么的时候,那就是个问题了,”65岁的Lasry周五在纽约大学的信贷机会研讨会上表示。“在这样的情况下,一个经济体是无法幸免的,这样只会导致一切都放缓,可能令经济陷入衰退。”(金十)
05:37 2025-03-15
加密货币ETF发行方21Shares宣布,基于该公司对产品阵容的例行审查、满足市场动态和客户需要,计划清算两只比特币期货和以太坊期货交易所交易基金(ETF),分别是:ARK 21Shares Active Bitcoin Ethereum Strategy ETF(ARKY)和ARK 21Shares Active On-Chain Bitcoin Strategy ETF(ARKC),持有者需在3月27日交易日结束前出售其持有的基金,预计清算将在3月28日开始。21Shares重申,虽然清算与ARK In...
05:31 2025-03-15
【波音2025年主要航空事故一览 美交通部长称其已失去信任】1. 1月10日:达美航空一波音757-300客机因发动机...
【波音2025年主要航空事故一览 美交通部长称其已失去信任】1. 1月10日:达美航空一波音757-300客机因发动机故障中止起飞,4人受伤。2. 1月11日:俄罗斯优梯航空公司一架波音767客机液压油设备发生故障,被迫返航。3. 2月19日:一架由克拉斯诺亚尔斯克飞往诺里尔斯克的波音737-800型客机出现技术故障,进行紧急降落。4. 2月24日:一架波音717客机飞行中机内冒烟,客机被迫返航。5. 3月1日:美国波音公司在即将交付给美空军的两架全新KC-46A空中加油机上出现了结构性裂缝。6. 3月2日:美国联邦快递一架波音767飞机发生紧急事故,进行紧急迫降。7. 3月6日:阿根廷国家航空公司的波音737飞机在飞行途中发生故障,随后紧急降落在布宜诺斯艾利斯埃塞萨国际机场。8. 3月15日:美国航空公司一架波音737客机在丹佛起火,乘客被紧急疏散。
05:17 2025-03-15
05:16 2025-03-15
《Vitalik:以太坊的故事》将于4月15日上线Apple TV和Prime Video
加密纪录片《Vitalik:以太坊的故事》将于4月15日在Apple TV和Prime Video正式上映。该纪录片讲述了Vitalik Buterin及以太坊社区在推动开放互联网发展过程中所经历的挑战与探索。
04:55 2025-03-15